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Kentucky Governor says Interstate Cannabis OK

This past week Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear released a bombshell that patients who carry up to 8 oz of Cannabis legally in Kentucky, if it was purchased in a legal state, and keep a receipt, will receive a proactive pardon. This move means that Kentuckians can get cannabis but only after travelling to a nearby state like Illinois where recreational cannabis can be purchased by Kentucky Medical Patients, since patients in Kentucky are still considered out of state customers in other places.

This pardon is also only for those who also have a doctor’s note, showing that they have been diagnosed with one of a limited number of conditions.

You can find a copy of the full Executive order here, from the Governor’s Office, including the list of predetermined qualifying conditions.

The problem with this is that while attempting to get aid to medical patients in Kentucky who desperately need it, does not in fact help with the root cause.

Robert Stivers has made it clear that he has no interest in assisting or offering relief to medical patients however, and has repeatedly made it clear that he finds no value in Medicinal cannabis.

It may be that Cannabis legalization in Kentucky will only occur when Federal decriminalization has already occurred.

The Governor’s order, while confusing, does at least get the ball rolling forward past those who have said that regardless of research, or pain of medical patients in their district, they will continue to push against Cannabis legalization in any form, like KY Senate President Robert Stivers.

Or Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer, operator of Bardstown Bourbon who has made it clear that he will be voting against it to protect his own interests regardless of whether there are benefits for those in his districts. Thayer, while thwarting cannabis legalization, has enjoyed profiting from a line of bourbons branded for different Kentucky Politicians at the same time.

The Governor’s office also announced that they would be looking to regulate the Delta-8 market that has grown in Kentucky with increasing hemp crops being grown across the state by farmers.

Kentucky needs to establish home grow up to 25 plants, as soon as possible. As legalization progresses, it will be the only means that clean, consumable cannabis can be ensured for medical patients reliably.


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